Remember the Rocking Horse? The ancient plaything let children imagine what it feels like to sit atop a real horse. Problem is, if a real horse is agitated and rocking back and forth, chances are it’s suffering from gastric discomfort.
So, we reimagined the classic design to create “The Unrocking Horse.”—A new version with a flat bottom to simulate the calming effect of a horse fed with Purina® Outlast™, gastric support supplement.
We unveiled the horse and launched a website at a Equine VIP event for Purina. People LOVED it.
The Story
Here's a walkthrough of the really cool website we made. It rocks. Unlike the horse. Check it out here
It ain't no fun if you don't cut a film from all your BTS footage.
AD: Rushil Nadkarni, CW: Graham UnterbergeR
ECD: Andy Azula, Jerry Hoak, CD: Steve Sage
Digital: Christian Leaf, Sean Harrington, Thomas Carroll, Andy Bupp, John McClaire, Shaun Roach
Design/Motion: Thiago Elias, Josh Corliss
Fabrication/Production: Crux Scenica