Remember the Rocking Horse? The ancient plaything let children imagine what it feels like to sit atop a real horse. Problem is, if a real horse is agitated and rocking back and forth, chances are it’s suffering from gastric discomfort. 
So, we reimagined the classic design to create “The Unrocking Horse.”—A new version with a flat bottom to simulate the calming effect of a horse fed with Purina® Outlast™, gastric support supplement.
We unveiled the horse and launched a website at a Equine VIP event for Purina. People LOVED it.
The Story
Here's a walkthrough of the really cool website we made. It rocks. Unlike the horse. Check it out here
It ain't no fun if you don't cut a film from all your BTS footage. 

Disclaimer: "The Art of Unrocking" film was not sponsored by the brand. The horse footage and music used, belong to their rightful owners. This film is intended for personal use only.
AD: Rushil Nadkarni, CW: Graham UnterbergeR
ECD: Andy Azula, Jerry Hoak, CD: Steve Sage
Digital: Christian Leaf, Sean Harrington, Thomas Carroll, Andy Bupp, John McClaire, Shaun Roach
Design/Motion: Thiago Elias, Josh Corliss
Fabrication/Production: Crux Scenica
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